Entretenimento - BRAZILIAN MUSIC INSTITUTE 2009 - TICO TICO - Extraordinary Four-Hand Exchanging.
Colaboração do Ir:. Bolívar Siqueira
The 2009 Brazilian Music Institute at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida http://www.arts.ufl.edu/bmi/ featuring CECILIA SIQUEIRA (Uruguay) and FERNANDO LIMA (Brasil) - Duo Siqueira Lima - http://www.duosiqueiralima.com.br/eng... performing Tico Tico no Fuba (Zequinha de Abreu). Fernando an Cecilia are personal friends and were guests during our music Institute in 2009. The Institute has been active since 2001 and is directed and organized by WELSON TREMURA. Please, check some of our previous events and concerts by typing "Brazilian Music Institute" at the search engine. This particular performance took place at Santa Fe Community College, May 8 - 2009 which also involved Institute participants.
O Instituto de Musica Brasileira http://www.arts.ufl.edu/bmi/ é organizado e promovido anualmente durante o mês de Maio pelo professor e músico brasileiro Welson Tremura. Durante os últimos nove anos tivemos a presença de grandes violonistas, cantores, e instrumentalistas (Ulisses Rocha, Marco Pereira, Diego Figueiredo, Beatriz Malnic, Alieksey Vianna, Jorge Continentino, Jose Rastelli, Nonato Luiz, Julio Figueiredo, Paulo Martelli).
Associação - Missão - Fortalecer pessoas, famílias e comunidades.
55 11 5696.9600 - Cel: 55 11 96953.0084 - Nextel: 55 11 7790.7957 - ID: 55*126*6328 -
Rua Florenville, 280 - Santo Amaro - São Paulo / São Paulo / Brasil - CEP 04745-080
Falar com Ir.'. Walid Toghlobi - Presidente e Edney Roberto Delgado - Secr. Executivo da ACM de Santo Amaro